Adam and his crew working the Two Four Two Fire, given its name because it started near mile marker 242 on Highway 97, in Southern Oregon 2020. Over 1,253 structures were threatened by the fire. Over 70 structures have been damaged, and more than 35 have been destroyed.
It is getting to be the end of May which will conclude wildfire awareness month. It’s not too late to finish up those projects to protect your home and property from wildfire. It can happen anywhere at anytime and being prepared is the best way to give your house a defendable position against wildfire. Check out these great sites to help guide you on fire prevention, education, wildland urban interface zones, and much more! It is great information and it’s never to late to get to work to protect you, your family and your assets. If you need any help please contact Peak To Peak Inspection and I will be happy to assist you the best I can. Click on the links below to learn more about your defensible space:
Please contact your local fire department for more assistance as well. There are many great opportunities to have local resources help with making your community a “Firewise” community.